Getting your practice details online is simple. If your location is missing or needs upgrading to our special yearly packages you can process the changes once you have registered free for an account on
All current entries need upgrading to show the main services they provide as the public can filter their search for practices providing Contact Lens, Hearing, Home Visits and Low Vision Services.
We’ve improved the directory by providing more information to the public about your practice including directions and mapping, and the selection of mainstream services (Home Visits, Contact Lenses, Hearing and Low Vision) on all entries. These are new to the site and all practices will need to update their entries.
How to start your journey:
Go to or link from the public information site clicking “Find Your Optician” tab
The “Find Your Local Optician” app button appears on the home page of the public information and news site for all interested in better eyecare, eyewear and hearing and in search browsers when people are looking for an optician near them.
You can go direct to the Find your optician site by using
We’ve improved the directory by providing more information to the public about your practice including directions and mapping, and the selection of mainstream services (Home Visits, Contact Lenses, Hearing and Low Vision) on all entries. These are new to the site and all practices will need to update their entries.
Low Cost Upgrades
For a small annual fee you can feature images of your practice, equipment or staff team as well as adding a full description of your practice, business hours, specialties and brands and website links. You can even add any long term or short term promotions.
Firstly check that your entry for each individual practice is included and is correct:
Check now by using the right hand column
- Either type in your Practice Name or the location.
- Not showing? Then you will need to add to our 7000+ entries (see below)
- Every registered practice location is allowed one entry for free
- There are 3 levels of Directory Information
- Free Place: number of published days are unlimited (Free)
- Silver Advanced Package £59.88 per year (VAT inclusive)
- Gold Featured Package £119.88 a year (VAT inclusive)
- You can upgrade a current entry by selecting one of the packages or at anytime
But first you need to register and account and once confirmed you can either Claim an existing entry and amend or add a new practice.
To make any changes or add a new practice you will need an account on
Simply click register found under the My Account tab header.
Complete the form and remember your username and password and you can now click the login here shown in the green line and login in using your username and password.
Or you can login using the welcome email we sent you to your chosen email address.
You can go direct to your account by clicking at the top left of the screen under the image symbol @yourusername
(If you want to add a little more about your position in the practice you can add it to your account screen in the “bio”and update your account )
As an account holder you can now CLAIM your listing to make changes
Now in the right margin search for your practice listing you wish to update and select. Click on your selection and you will see your home page.
On your practice home page you will see CLAIM LISTING, click here and your new screen requires to be filled with your professional information.
Full Name, phone, position in Business (Owner, manager, partner etc.)
You will be asked for a relevant GOC registration number,(corporate, optometrist or dispensing number)
This is to confirm your entitlement and to ensure we only promote registered practices in the UK and ROI.
Your entry remains a free listing until we confirm your ability to make changes when a Mylocaloptician team member will verify your request and send you an approval email within 2 days. If you have more than one practice you will need to Claim each Practice in turn.
Companies with an excess of 10 practices that wish to amend each with one organisational head should email the request to
Once confirmation is received by email click the practice named link and return to your entry.
Make sure you are logged in or Click account and login with your username and password
Click on your @username top left of screen and your Profile will appear on the screen scroll down and a list of the listings you have claimed will be present
Choose the listing you wish to amend and click edit (blue tab)
Here you can select your upgrade from a standard entry to either a Silver or Gold Entry
Here are the differences from a standard entry
Free Entries
Practice Name
- Full Address and postcode with map locator
- Phone Number
- Fax (if any)
- Email address
- whether you provide Home Visits [a]
- whether you provide a contact lens service [b]
- Whether you provide a Low Vision Clinic [c]
- Whether you provide a Hearing Services [d]
- {a to d will show on your listing under the 4 mainstream services}
Upgraded entries
Silver Advanced Entries £59.88 per year (VAT inclusive)
- Choose Advanced entry (Silver) and your entry will have additional custom fields like specialties you provide and branded products you will always stock
- You can publish your opening hours
- You can add one image to be published next to your entry. (shop front, personnel, clinic, your choice)
- In addition your entry has emboldened type face, and a different colour edging and will always appear above any standard listing in a searched for location, but below our Featured GOLD entries
- Advanced entry costs just £59.88 (inc vat) per year, annual contract payable online. A reminder will be sent each year as a recurring payment will be taken which can be suspended at that time.
Gold Featured Entries £119.88 a year (VAT inclusive)
- Choose Featured Entry (Gold)
- A featured entry allows you to communicate more information about your practice, your ethos in your own words and you can add more images of your practice, team and staff as well as equipment.
- You can publish your opening hours
- You can add up to 5 images to be published next to your entry and under your entry on the practice page. (shop front, personnel, clinic, your choice)
Gold featured entries will have the full package with a different colour/featured swoosh designating their status with emboldened print and always appearing at the top of all listings in alphabetical order
There is also the ability to add “promotions, either long standing or short-term”
- Featured entry costs just £119.98 (inc vat) per year, annual contract payable online. A reminder will be sent each year as a recurring payment will be taken which can be suspended at that time.
Select your package. You will be able to pay online with Credit Card or PayPal when you are ready to publish this entry. If you select a free entry some of the details listed below will not be requested and images uploaded will not be displayed
Now add your mainstream services. Shown on ALL packages
You can select any number or none of the mainstream services.
Add a Primary Practice Contact name who is the registered Optom or DO at the premises
or the name of the manager who if necessary we can confirm details.
Leave the listing as Claimed with the tick box
Practice Name check and add if not present “in Town, County” example
A N Other Opticians in Ely Cambridgeshire
Practice Description (Gold and Silver packages only)
Tell us about your practice, market yourselves to the public.
Specialties (Gold and Silver packages only)
Select as many as you wish
Brands (Gold and Silver packages only)
Select as many as you wish
You can use single word tags separated by commas of words likely to be searched max 3 e.g nhs,contacts,low-vision
Category: Select the region and area and that suits your entry address
Check address and Postcode
Set Address on Map
Precisely drag your practice to its position on the map
Check your phone and add your email details
Drag and Drop Image Files
Not available to free entries
1 x Image for Silver Packages on your home page
Up to 5 images on Gold Packages including Home Page
Contacts Add phone, fax and email
For paid for packages
Add website links, Facebook and X formerly Twitter
You can add at any time long term or short term promotions (Gold Packages only)
Click on Business Hours to add timings (Gold Packages only)
On Submission you will be taken to the payment area if you have chosen a Silver or Gold Package
For adding a new location or practice once registered on the site click the tab Add Practice